Tuesday, January 31, 2012


They should call it Words with Jerks! LOL. I'm horrible at it. So recently I've restarted playing Words with Friends and been slaughtered in every game so far. All in good competition and fun :) Shows how out of shape I've been with the game. At least there's Sodoku and Freecell to feel somewhat accomplished in :)

Getting some spunk and energy back. Cut my bangs too short last night after a shower. Got tired of waiting for time for a "professional" haircut, so I had scissors and well, now I sport the "mod" look. Too much Mad Men influence I suppose. My new favorite show. It's so slow, nothing really happens, but I love watching it. Why? Is it the retro everything?

Anywhooo hope none of my friends were offended by my jerk joke. I thought it was funny. I almost Facebooked it, but was afraid I'd get invites to start more games.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I like this quote from http://www.dailyzen.com/

More big news at work today. The opposite of a merger, a de-merger. Our department is ok but other departments far more heavily affected. Strangely similar mood at work to the Mad Men episodes I'm watching - end season 2, start season 3.

Was feeling sick today but husband appreciation, he stayed home instead of going to improv class to take care of me! I feel much better.

My bangs got too long so I've been Bobby pinning them up. I cut them today after my shower - now they're way too short but I sorta like them - very Mad Men Betty Page-ish.

And that's what you missed on....

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Gung Hay Fat Choi or Happy Chinese New Year! This is the year of the DRAGON! My favorite mythological animal! Started from a childhood live of the animated movie "Flight of Dragons".

We had a busy, crowded and fun time in Chinatown. Lots of people and shopping. Saw dragon dances and parade. Got dragon stuff per pics. Then had a nice dinner with family since a cousin was in town. It was great to hang out and chat with the cousins.

We are exhausted but overall it was a wonderful day. I almost bought a dragon head - you can wear as a costume. I also almost bought another dragon statue. I want to get a jade dragon pendant and more dragon goodies, but I suppose I'll wait. I even tried Dragon sushi for dinner - eel on California roll, not a real Dragon.

Usually Chinatown is a bit of a sleepy empty place. Today it was packed. I liked it more when it was crazy busy, I think because the street vendors aren't so pushy - so many other customers. Although the madhouse frenzy was a bit much at times.

I heart Chinatown!

Friday, January 27, 2012


I have 3 invites for Saturday night. A girls movie night, another casual friend night and a cousin in town, one night only. We're going to plan for cousin, but we will see. We're planning a day trip in Chinatown for a Chinese New Year parade, so I'm hoping we have some energy left in the evening.

Feeling popular?

I'm glad its Friday.

Thank God!

Living in the moment. Watching a movie with a full belly, lazy and warm and feeling good. I could fall asleep. Yup, living it up on a Friday night. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Forever Young

Heard this on the radio, and have a new appreciation for it. 

My favorite lines
Some at like water, some are like heat
Some are the melody, some are the beat

So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams swinging out in the blue
We let them come true

Forever Young by Alphaville

Let's dance in style, lets dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Are you going to drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men
Can you imagine when this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders we're getting in tune
The music's played by the madman

Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever young

[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/alphaville/forever+young_20006842.html ]
Some are like water, some are like the heat
Some are a melody and some are the beat
Sooner or later they all will be gone
Why don't they stay young
It's so hard to get old without a cause
I don't want to perish like a fading horse
Youth is like diamonds in the sun
And diamonds are forever
So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams are swinging out of the blue
We let them come true

Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I am very proud of myself an was ridiculously productive today. Did dishes and ran dishwasher. Did laundry. Cooked a Filipino dish - Nelaga - a beef shank stew that turned out lovely. Cleaned stuff out of our bookshelf and got an organizer or work. Gave my old stuffed animals a "bath" rubdown with a soapy towel. Even prepped for school starting tomorrow.

Overall feeling pretty fab! Am tired in that, spent my day well way. Mom came to visit too and it was good.

I think it was due to husband being gone most of the day helping his mom put up a fence. I had all day to myself and fussed over things I've been meaning to do. Plus the cleaning of the garage got me feeling I could conquer the other junk that's been piling up. I guess one good thing about having a small place is you can't accumulate and you end up living lean - in a good way.

I'm going to end my evening reading up on some homework. Yeay?!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Keep or Throw

Today was incredibly productive. Did errands and stuff. Went through a bunch of old stuff in the garage, reorganized and had tons to bring to Goodwill.

I spent the morning sorting stuff into piles of keep, trash or goodwill donations. The toughest and most emotional for me, was sorting through stuffed animals. Over the years I've whittled down my stuffed animal collection to a few care bears and assortment of animals. They were my thing, my plush cuddly friends and the substitute for pets I couldn't keep. They traveled with me and I could tell you how long I've had them.

Anyway I had no practical good reason to keep them. They take up room in the garage, there's really no descent place for them in the house, and I can't logically justify having or keeping them all. I was in a clean-out mood, so I cuddled one last time with them, took photos of remembrance of them, and put most of them in the donate pile.

As we unloaded the stuff at Goodwill, I was happy to get rid of stuff until they took the box with my stuffed animals. I looked longingly as the guys took that one box away and said bye in my head. Then sitting in the car I was sad. Husband asked me what was up. It was silly but I put my oldest stuffed animal in that box and wasn't sure if that was the right decision. He said, it's ok if I keep stuff, that I don't need to get rid of everything.

So for the first time ever, I went back in and said I forgot to take something out, and I saved my oldest friend. A little stuffed animal cat with pink ears that almost looks like a bear. I've probably had it since I was a baby, or maybe 2, but I've remembered having it forever. I think I already gave away my favorite stuffed animal dog years ago because it was just taking up space and not being cuddled or used. I still regret giving that one away.

I'm really glad I didn't say goodbye to this stuffed animal. It's a silly, old, dirty, ugly and worn thing, but it's ever so precious. To someone else it would be a used and not so cute stuffed animal. To me, it's so much more precious. Isn't it weird how that works.

Be careful what you throw away. 95% of the time you can do without it. I think that sentimental stuff is the toughest to sort through. I have to learn to know, how to spot that 5% worth keeping, and not letting it go on a whim.

Very glad I kept what I did and I went back for it. These pics are part of that 5% worth keeping. One day sleepy time Care Bear may not make the cut, but my white pink cat & the white tiger, they are keepers for sure.

Friday, January 20, 2012


I spent 3 days not blogging. This was one in support of the Internet blackout day to raise awareness of PIPA & SOPA, and the other 2 days I just forgot.

So here are 3 thoughts & photos to mind the gap.

Important things to remember.

1 - Art and expression are essential, important and fill our souls. We think sometimes they are expendable luxuries, but they are the parts of life that add magic, hope and spark to our lives. Husband brings art into my life. First he takes me to LACMA, then he gets me a surprise toy balloon animal, and it ends up being A BLUE DOG!!!! It's just like my favorite LACMA art piece. I keep it at work. It makes me happy because it reminds me there is a blue dog out there in the LACMA museum space, being admired, adored and happy in a space filled with art. Completely impractical, which is why it's so important to remember.

2 - The obstacle is the path. It's been a challenging week, but I felt like I conquered. My boss took another job, and I took lead/manager position over my department. First time ever I've been in charge of people officially. Actually that's not true. I was a camp counsellor and Resident Advisor. Although this feels very different. At first it was a lot of anxiousness. Then I started thinking and working stuff out. Then I got into a groove and feel like I'm coming into my own. Basically the philosophy I'm following is from Judy Garland "Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of someone else". Basically through it all, I did it. It was rough and tough, but I handled and brought it. Gotta keep the confidence and faith in yourself. I didn't have it in the beginning, but I've had amazing support from family, friends and coworkers. I need to keep that in mind. To remember and honor people first, and keep a healthy balance in everything. I feel like I'm growing, even if it feels like growing pains.

3 - Origami bunny. Yup. They're cute and I made one.

The end.

Monday, January 16, 2012

To Do

With new power, comes new responsibilities. I'm finding that I need to change how I do things, if I want to keep my head on straight an have a handle on what to do.

Downloaded the app Awesome Notes and came up with the folders below. Although it looks like a bad Breakfast Club homage, it's actually a more fun and discreet way to organize my various tasks.

After Hours = Fun Stuff & Errands, mostly errands right now actually, no fun.
Nerd = Library School stuff
The Biz = work tasks
Boss Lady = stuff for my boss
Team Coach = stuff to develop with my team & direct reports.

Actually it sorta sucks that most of it is job related. I might change Boss Lady to me and my direct report people. Humm...

I should maybe separate errands from fun stuff.

Anyway that's it for now. Trying to categorize everything so it makes sense.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


The beginning, the end or the beginning of the end? Had mom lunch at Barney's Beanery & relaxed playing Sodoku. Chatted about College major decisions with the sister and tried to give some good meaningful yet completely unhelpful advice.

Took down our Christmas stuff & tree. Cleaned and and moved furniture back. Loved and missed our old space. Rearranged and watered a few plants. Cooked a blah but Filipino, new and adventurous dinner. Even payed for school & ordered books. Overall fairly productive.

Danced & boogied down with the husband while cleaning when a cute/fun song came on Pandora.

This is all that unofficial random stuff in life, that usually goes unrecognized, but is actually the best stuff. Thanks for today :) I'll try to remember when I'm grumpy & feeling lost at work tomorrow. Just hold these moments, these happy thoughts!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Melrose 3 - street art

Melrose 2

Snapshots of Melrose

New thing. Husband & I fully explored Melrose today. It was super cool & fun. So many interesting shops. So much street graffiti art. So many crazy random people & outfits. So many fun things to buy.

After out LACMA trip last week, I fell in love with the balloon animal dog sculpture, that I was super excited to see balloon animal toys you could buy. Random and surprise toys, first one I got was a giraffe, and second a balloon animal dog. Yeay!

I got some cute & fun rings and a second hand sweater. Saw lots of street art & even the most beautifully landscaped gas station ever. Flowers bright and beautiful in full bloom.

Definite husband appreciation as this was all his idea. We'll be going back just to stroll and explore. I need to do a blog on street art. Will take more photos & post them. Monopoly man was my favorite. Its like a scavenger/treasure hunt with your eyes.

So fun! I need to surround myself with art more often. Viva la Melrose!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Shooting Stars

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land amongst the stars.

Isn't this the coolest photo! These are my shoes today - super awesome red. Also that is carpet from a mall toy store. Fun!

Lots of stuff going on at work. Can't disclose or make official anything yet. A lot of stuff in flux. But, so many people have so much faith and confidence in me, even if I'm apprehensive about it all. It feels like people are pulling for you. That you not only have coworkers, but friends who want to help you out or keep you straight/sane. I just don't want to let anyone down. I'm humbled and terrified, but the more I put my mind on it, and the more I work out the how of it all, the more I feel like I can make it work.

So total opposite of yesterday's post, using your heart. I think it takes a perfect one-two punch of heart and head to make things work.

There's a Power of One movie & book by Bryce Courtenay I love. It's about a boxer in South Africa who bridges boundaries and brings people together against discrimination, injustice and Apartheid.

"Little beat big, when little smart. First with the head, then with the heart."

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I've been in search of God, peace, balance and Zen a lot lately. A lot having to do with work, but a lot based on the fact that I'm growing up, and life didn't turn out quite the way I wanted it to be. See I never had a grand plan, and I knew what I thought I wanted, but things happen and change. I've had to find peace with a not perfect house, an unglamorous job and my own disappointments and expectations. It's the whole, I'm 30 and this is where I am right now. How, why and when did I get here?

I need to find a way to be ok with all of this so I don't feel this awful regret, anger or longing about what could have been. I want to be at peace with myself and life as it has turned out.

Anyway I really liked the book Eat, Pray, Love. Its been part of my finding peace & acceptance in the world. My sister drew little scenes on post-it notes in her assigned novel readings because it helped her remember the story. This is a doodle/drawing I made from a part of this book. It's describes a painting a Bali medicine man drew. It's an androgynous human in prayer, with 4 legs, foliage & flowers at the head, and a small smiling face drawn over the heart. Below is what is written in the book about that drawing.

"'To find balance you want,' Ketut spoke through his translator, 'this is what you must become. You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have four legs, instead of two. That way you can stay in the world. But you must stop looking at the world through your head. You must look through your heart, instead. That way, you will know God'"
Elizabeth Gilbert
Eat, Pray, Love

I'm learning to listen to my heart and see the world through this. You can also call it intuition, gut feelings, sixth sense or such, but I think there might be something to this. You've got to trust your heart, over your head sometimes. I kinda like this.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Some stuff went down at work today. I'm a bit apprehensive about the changes, but others had faith, confidence and hope in me. One guy even said, "you're like Obi Wan in Star Wars. Save us Obi Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope"

I was flattered and yet terrified. Husband was jealous saying no one's ever compared him to Obi Wan before. I am nervous, but must stay strong, stay calm and carry on.

Also be one with the force.

I'm also reminded of a Bruce Lee quote. Be like water :) must stay flexible yet grounded with upcoming changes.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Good day

Was busy, but productive minimal drama. Had a good run & nice dinner with a friend. Thanks universe! New leaf & all. It's time seasons change & I get multiple days, multiple weeks & many many years of good positive things to come my way. I will pay it forward so please :) let good days be a sign of better days to come!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Me Time

Image from http://gorgeoushealthyme.com/me-time/

Wow I wish I looked like that when I was relaxing.

Husband is pretty understanding. I've been under a lot of stress at work lately, so I decided to take "me" time more seriously. I am waking up early to get some me-time into the day. Not only does it help me have enough time to get ready (even though I still run late), but it's nice to start off the day completely selfish. It's really rough waking up, but if I know it's the only 15 minutes I'll get to devote completely to myself in selfish pursuits of whatever, it's helpful.

This morning I read a bunch of stuff from Discovery News. Did you know they've discovered natural shark hybrids? Or that there are begging sharks in the Philippines? Not just shark news, or that Leo Da Vinci designed BAGS?!!!!

I also had plenty of me-time this evening. I think it's healthy for husband and I to have time off to do our own creative/fun things, besides just work. He's taking improv classes in Ventura, and I'm, watching Glee, working on school, and/or, just chilling mostly. I even like the drive home alone. It's a nice change, and a chance to detox and get my mind off things, or distracted, as I almost got in an accident but everything's ok. I may start looming, or, taking these Monday nights off more seriously.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


After finishing season 2 of Glee on Netflix, we started re-watching from the beginning, first season. In the pilot episode, it has a plaque of the former Glee teacher with these words.

"By its very definition, Glee is about opening yourself up to joy"

This is what we did today :) Went to LACMA for the first time & was pleasantly surprised by how nice it was. I can/do get bored at museums, so I was happy to find LACMA had plenty to keep me entertained, interested & inspired. Plus, I love how impractical yet essential ART is in our lives. I've forgotten. I want to get the Banksy book, and I will post more, in my other blog, about the neato pics & stuff we saw at the museum.

Also briefly went to Tar Pit museum. Had dinner at Carney's. Overall had a lovely day. Thanks LACMA! Viva la art!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Grub & Blackbird

Had a nice dinner with family at this little place called Grub in Hollywood. Amazing chocolate bacon dessert pictured here. Took a scenic drive home. Worked late, felt sick, but feeling better now & looking forward to rest.

Also, had lunch with good friends. That was absolutely lovely! Surrounding yourself with positive happy fun friends - awesome. Need to do this more.

Also loving these lyrics from my new favorite Beatles song - Blackbird. Saw Kurt sing it on Glee & fell in love. TGIF!

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.

Blackbird fly Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I got an origami daily calendar from my sister :) cute! I made a butterfly today.

I realize a lot of stress at work stems from the anxious nervous stress energy from other people, afraid & insecure about their own position & role. I try to take it in stride & realize that I am part superstar and I do a pretty awesome job overall.

Lesson - continue being yourself. I enjoyed my work today & tried to focus on that instead of what other people are doing. Although I do need to be aware of what & how others are doing, to not be completely insensitive and selfish.

Almost Friday.

Ps - autocorrect mistakes made me laugh so hard today. It was making the rounds at work & with friends. Felt so good to laugh really hard today. Also ran some, felt awful but kept going & felt accomplished at the end. Ate healthy & looked cute today. Also, I made a butterfly :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Day

I didn't need to use my AK, today was a good day.

It was busy but I enjoyed my work and minimal drama. I reorganized some test data in our database - I like organizing. Also had to set-up some test data. I made up movie character contacts in the system to use as test data.

Vito Corleone - title - Don.
Ron Burgundy - phone - 888-Baxter
Holly Golightly - email - breakfast@tiffanys.com

Had fun with that. Drama will start up again tomorrow probably. I don't usually get 2 good days in a row. But am working on taking things better and keeping it light. You can only change yourself after all. Will keep reading Eat, Pray, Love for inspiration.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I was very cranky today. Left work in a rage. Basically I had to, once again, clean up after another irresponsible coworker and do my own job. Fantastic. Part of the stress is self imposed. Part of it is real.

I had a thought. Why did I let one incident ruin my entire day, make me cranky & cause me to be snippy to people who didn't deserve it? Straw in camel. I didn't have the composure to just let it pass. It definitely helped me run/workout today.

This job is getting toxic.

On the good side, coworker friend liked my gag gift of last year's animal calendar. I exercised. I had cute shoes & nail polish & got compliments on my shirt. We had beautiful warm weather and I had a delish dinner and some me time. Must find a way to detox while at work and not let this stress ruin me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

End of the world

So it's supposed to end end of this year 2012. I'm optimistic that this is why I've taken this new years so seriously. Maybe it's the craziness of late. I just sincerely feel like this is truly a new year & a new chance to start over and shine. I'm feeling grown up, for the better I suppose. I'm hoping that's what this all is.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year.

Lazy Sunday. Ah Macaroni Grill. My masterpiece octopus drawing below. Made a list of dishes to try & perfect. The cook in me is inspired to be awesome at our fave Italian dishes. I want to be good at a few dishes and/or hopefully great at cooking, so one day I can honestly say, I make it better at home.