Friday, March 30, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

No Photo

I had a serious case of the blues this week. Just overall depressed about my job and how much it's stressing me out. I realize that I'm not handling my stress very well. Overall my life is actually pretty good. We just had a lovely day getaway at Ventura and spent a beautiful morning driving up PCH to Santa Barbara. It was just gorgeous, yet I am dreading Monday (who isn't?) but it feels like, I can't handle it anymore. I've seriously thought about asking for a demotion, but as husband says, I'm probably just getting used to the new job and yes it's true, I've left on time or early a lot last week, so it seems like it's getting better.

So, what to do? Husband says to treat myself to something fun/nice over Monday so it's not so harsh. Also I get to use my new handbag. Yes I think I have an unhealthy obsession with handbags that can get rather expensive. Also, I may treat myself to lunch at Yamato's and something else fun for dinner perhaps.

Other needs - need to focus on my health and exercise. Got to get into some kind of creative classes. Also, just need to not give up. Honestly, I feel sometimes I just hate everything and want to start all over. It could just be hormonal, but sometimes it just feels like a long dark tunnel, without any light. It's a little rough, and I wonder if there's something chemical going on. Need to detox.

Anyway no photo today. Just me typing on a keyboard. A nice change considering most of the time i'm on a phone when I post. Lots of cute photos to come from our trip this weekend. Also, just... have to find a way to keep going.

I think I may need my girlfriends. It's been a very busy but incredibly fruitful year. Just hoping to keep sane and well, I really need a lift in my spirits. Should probably go to church more often too.

I'm thinking the time change probably messed up my time clock too and all last week was a bit of a struggle.

Crossing fingers and praying I am not miserable this week. Let it be a wonderful glorious and positive week. Amen.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Bears wear seat belts too. I saw this on my walk today in a parked car. Cute huh? :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Going Places

Have passport, can travel!!!! I am uber excited. It's been 2 years since I've had one. My old one expired & had my old unmarried name. I sort of forgot to get it renewed, until recently.

I never appreciated my passport as much as I did today. I cannot wait to plan trips & go places :)

First on the list is Philippines to visit family. Second, wherever. Let's find out shall we?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Less Netflix

In getting rid of excess, my lent thing, decided to go through our Netflix queues. It started with just weeding out a few videos here or there. Stuff we added to watch, but never got around to. Soon it became unmanageable. Too many videos, disorganized, to sort through.

So I got to weeding. Took instant queue from about 150 to just about 50 shared list between husband & I. I had about 80 things in my personal mail DVD queue. Reduced that to 5, since I always rearrange anyway.

Having less to choose from is actually much nicer & easier. And yes, Queer Eye & Say Yes to the Dress are my shows. Husband watched The Colony.

I'm feeling lighter :)

Monday, March 5, 2012


A nice Monday. Had dinner & a show outside on my balcony, at least until the wifi cut out. It was beautiful outside! Lovely evening.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Beautiful Saturday. Had a nice breakfast & nap. Then got dressed up & had a walking adventure in Pasadena. Lots of laughs on the drive over. Saw Memorial park, City Hall, brides & photographers, the Paseo, Paseo antique mall, Old Town & had a lovely dinner at Louise's trattoria. Didn't buy anything, except dinner.

Oh highlight. Saw Jupiter & Venus. They had giant telescopes out in Old Town & we saw some planets - so cool. Also went to Barnes & Noble. We sat on our first date & engagement bench, people watching & chatting. Ending the evening with a chill quiet movie night - watching Priest.

Color of the day - white. For the planet watching, giant bear at the antique mall, mouse puppet I played with at the bookstore & awesome cream pasta.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why not?

Feeling... like it's bedtime. Bring on the Friday. Hoping for a good end to a descent week.