Saturday, April 28, 2012


What is the deal with Pinterest? We hung out with some friends tonight and I asked. I have the app & yet didn't use it. Finally tried/started today.

Pretty cool actually. I love seeing all sorts of different random things. Despite my love of organizing, I also love spontaneity & kismet. I'm up sniffly, in pain & not sleeping at 5am on a Saturday morning, but at least I'm entertained.

Had a very rough week, but it ended well. We had to lay off people at work, me and my department included. It was my first and I've only been a manager 3 months. Fast & furious. Considering everything it went relatively smooth. It was a bit like hunting with a tranquilizer. Sad and quiet without as much drama as I feared. Anyway I think now all the stress is finally releasing and I'm sniffly and it's that time, yeay.

So as some chicken soup for my soul, Pinterst. Here's to sharing art & beautiful things.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


My coworker got his beard & ponytail haircut, and decided to sport a stache. I love I can show through drawings. He sported the Kevin Smith Jesus look and then ended up looking like a cop. It was shocking & fun & totally brightened & livened my day.

A bright spot in an overall awful work day.

Here's to awesome people I wok with!

Monday, April 23, 2012


So I like being artistic, but I don't like wasting paper or taking up space. So... I whiteboard. Got myself a cool little whiteboard with a frame, some dry erase markers, and go. I like it cuz a lot of my doodles are crap & not worth keeping. Some are cute & worth updating or revising. I can easily fix pictures and take photos of the ones I like when I'm done.

A little poem came to mind with this one. Hallmark is jealous right now.

Some goofy doodles of snails in love & circus rides with feet. I may eventually come up with a kid's story, some characters & illustrate a little book via photos. Or I may draw a dragon one day. Who knows? But for now, silly doodles that are very important in keeping my spirit and soul alive.

Bathroom Art

We had these frames from Ikea we never used. Finally decided to get creative & artsy by painting this weekend. I did the red frame flowers. Husband fingerprinted. Both look pretty cool :) not perfect, not mind blowing, but better than what we had before :)

Also we put up a little shelve under my painting.

Go art!