Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

New thing of the day, watched "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movie.

First Swedish subtitled movie, and a very good one at that. Heard fabulous things about it and had no idea what it was about, except it was some sort of murder mystery. I won't give anything away, but it's very dark, very violent, there's sexual abuse and sort of a sick dark and sad backdrop.  I do NOT want to read the books after watching the movie, but this is part of a trilogy, and 2 more movies as part of this that I definitely want to watch.

I love the heroine - the girl with the dragon tattoo :) According to Wikipedia - the writer wrote this in honor of a girl who he saw victimized and brutalized and it seems a sort of a vindication, perhaps a way to make-up for his guilt over not helping her. Some very dark stuff, and very gruesome sexual abuse issues that come into play in the movie so just be warned. It's dramatic, dark and very good. Some of the scenes and ideas stick around and haunt you a bit.

I love how he portrays the heroine - the girl with the dragon tattoo. He makes her real and strong and smart and a true hero in this movie. The hero is also a very honorable man. In the movie at least, there are some very dark monsters, and very good heroes.

Learned a new thing. Apparently, depending on what crime you are convicted for in Sweden, you get 6 months after the trial to put your affairs in order before serving your sentence - wow.

So, prepare to be shocked, but overall a good movie and worth the watching.

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