Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Hiatus

New thing of the day, I think I'm quitting.

Well, I'm quitting the daily blog anyway. Christmas was tons of fun! Lots of presents, family, driving and cool stuff. I have lots of new things I could blog about, but I think it's not worth it to do it every day. Life is for living, not for blogging about it. So I think I'll change the tone of this blog to be more about the quality of the new thing I've tried, rather than the quantity. The daily blog has become rather burdensome rather than inspiring. So I will now blog when I have something interesting or new I've tried. Goal will be to do more creative things, rather than just finding something to blog about every day.

On the long drive home I got to thinking. I spent way too much money on gifts this year. I have an artist cousin who inspired me. She gave me a photo print of one of her drawings. I love a lot of gifts my aunts make because they're home made blankets, ornaments, cards or paintings. My favorite gifts are always the creative self-made ones. So I'd like to start planning and trying for next year, to be more creative and make all my gifts.

In addition to saving money, I get to do something creative with myself in anticipation of gifts. I have a lot of creativity and undiscovered talents that I believe in - so I'd like to explore those. Not sure if this blog helped me break out of the "afraid to try new things" thing, but maybe it did. I saw my aunt cook Filipino food and it made it feel easy and accessible. I've seen relatives give home-made gifts and I want to do that too. I'm tired of thinking about new things to try, and I just want to do it. Take chances. As my Oatmeal Cake disaster showed me, I mess up, but all the more motivation to do it well.

We got a blender and a crock pot for Christmas and I can't wait to try them and to try new recipes. It seems like scarves and socks were a cozy hit at Christmas so I want to learn to crochet and make them for next year's gifts. Also, we finally put up some bookshelves and I have my own corner for creative cards, paintings and such. I think I'll start painting/drawing again and posting them here. I can finally start scrap booking and printing out the many photos I store up but never really share or do much with. So many fun creative and non-TV projects I want to try. I want to do more essential important things.

Plus with my Master's degree and school - time will most likely be more strained. Eating out is costing too so gotta start doing stuff at home. Anyway - it's a New Year's resolution I suppose even though I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions, only once a year. I think you should always seeking to improve yourself.

So New thing of the day - today, I got crocheting hook, yarn and booklet on my own. Last time I tried crocheting, my grandma was around to help me learn. I was much younger then and forgot most of it. Then I tried learning with a friend long ago. We did a bit in the car on a road trip but I didn't stick with it. Now I am self-inspired after Christmas but also to make beautiful pieces like my grandmother does. I think I want to learn crocheting, then sewing, then making clothes and quilting - a passion I've always had. Not sure how long I can stick to crocheting, but if I know their end goal - Christmas 2011, it'll be easier to make.

So anyway, first steps. Went to Joann's after work. My is it intimidating. All those yarns and hooks to choose from. I chose a small pretty book for patterns I like and could follow. I chose a variety of plastic crochet hook sizes. I also chose a nice yarn color that I wouldn't mind making into something. Project is to make a scarf for husband and/or friends/family. Socks and scarves for now. One step at a time. I've got to remember that.

Anyway - did a few practice runs and was able to make something semi-descent start to a scarf. I kept doing a few rows then taking them out again. Trying to get good practice before actually starting a scarf. A single stitch crochet for now. I'll start at the beginning and not try to be overambitious or zealous about getting good fast. That's the trouble I think. We always seek to be great fast. I'm taking the Japanese approach. Always working to perfection and seeking to improve. I've also been reading some eastern buddhist religion texts so that's inspiring as well.

OK so, new goal. Do new things, but not every day, and do more creative new things. I thought about quitting the whole blog altogether, but I think it's been a good exercise. It's just one I can't keep up daily, and that's ok. Will keep trucking.

Well, happy holidays y'all!

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