Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mary Shelley - Prophets of Science Fiction

New thing today, watched the first episode of Prophets of Science Fiction - Mary Shelley. This was interesting! More documentary than I expected. Sometimes these shows appear to be hype and speculation more than anything concrete, but this was enjoyably grounded in reality and documentary type show.

It's part history and documentary lesson on Mary Shelley and the book Frankenstein, and other part about science and technology related to human body reanimation as in organ donations, death, electricity, DNA, and the latest brain and neurology developments. They take the idea from the book, talk about today's technology related to it, and future possibilities. They talk about the themes and implications of the book and its lesson regarding science as well. It talks about the Frankenstein movies and has clips from various movies. The show also talks quickly about the influence Frankenstein has had on pop culture.

It's masterfully put together! It's an appropriate time to watch this considering Halloween Oct 31 just passed, and All Souls Day Nov 1 just happened. Fascinating stuff!

I will be watching the rest of these and blogging happily as I've found a new show that lets my brain feed on something more than just junk :) I love science fiction as it is taking science, today's technology and ideas, and through imagination, transforms it into entertainment. One interesting thing is I think science fiction writing also inspires and feeds back into science, and gives these nerdy guys who develop things, and helps them come up with new ideas and experiments and goals. I'm such a nerd!

Prophets of Science Fiction - Discovery Link and Wikipedia Link

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