Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Expendables

New thing of the day, saw The Expendables at our local cheap theater.

Let me say - AMEN to small well kept and 2nd run cheap movie theaters. They are fabulous in these economic times and provide a wonderful way to watch movies at an affordable price. Ours charges between $3.50-$4.00 for a movie. Their concessions are also cheap. The cost of 4 of us watching a movie plus medium drink, soda and some Dibs cost about $23, or about the cost of two tickets at a regular theater.

As for the movie, it was expendable. I heard good things about it. I actually like guy movies. A coworker said, it was like, the male version of Sex and the City 2. It was like, the one or two females sitting in the theater, you know were dragged there by their guys. Also, the guys just got all excited and it was a total testosterone fest with all the action heroes and action scenes. A few of the guys at work liked the movie, so I thought it had potential. After all, we liked the new A-Team they made.

My take on the movie, not good. There were some funny/ridiculous moments of action and testosterone. There were just a few new and at times shocking fight/death scenes. It was interesting to see big stars face-off. It was kind of neat to see the scene with Stallone, Schwarzenegger and my favorite Bruce Willis. Overall it wasn't that exciting. We watch Dexter so it was cool to see Agent Angel Batista as the General in the movie.  I think Mickey Rourke did a good job in the movie and gave the most compelling and dramatic performance. Although I think the guy who really stole the movie and shined among all the other action heroes seems to be The Transporter guy Jason Statham. Stallone doesn't kiss the girl at the end which I thought was kind of cool. And I love the classic black truck he drives around in.

Overall the movie was eh, like I'd give it between a 4 and 6, depending on my mood. I guess it was good we saw it because we were intensely curious about it and thought it may have had potential. It's a good action guy junk movie. It may become a cult classic, the long tail. I'm glad they tried and had fun with it.

Here's leaving on a high note though. I thought this was an interesting poster/promotional piece. They took all the actors in The Expendables and created a movie poster based on how many movies and kills they've had in each one. It's kind of a fun body count of the movies they've all been in. Below is a copy of the poster :) I guess thinking back, it's sort of a fun guy action movie and may not be as bad as I thought. Just had high hopes. Oh well, at least we only spent $4 a ticket and had a good evening.

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