Friday, October 15, 2010

Double French Braid

New thing of today, double french braided my hair at work. I always loved the double french braid. Not a fan of the single french braid. Recently a friend did a double braid on her short hair and it looked awesome. Although, for me it all started when I was a camp counsellor at summer camp. I wore my hair in double braids. I would usually request someone else do the braid for me since it was rather difficult to do myself. As an adult and without much time or patience to braid hair, I almost never double braid these days. In fact, I think this is the first time my husband has seen this hairstyle on me.

Today at work my hair was bothering me. It's been getting a bit long and I've needed a haircut for some time. Some days I just don't know what to do with it. If it's warm in the room I want it up and out of my face, but I also want it to look cute. Down is the prettiest, but it gets in my face and tends to be very warm.

As a coworker noticed, I had it in 4 different styles today. First I had it up. Then I had it in a twisty messy half ponytail. Then I had it in a full ponytail. Finally, I was sick of my hair and wanted to feel good. I had some free time and decided to try the double french braid at my bathroom at work - without a brush, and without a way to see the back of my head - all by feeling.

Of course, whenever I use the restroom, it's always empty and I have it to myself for the few minutes I'm in there. I figured I could try the braids in peace. Today of course, when I went in there to try the braid, there were like 4 people in a 3 stall bathroom, one of them straightening their hair with a flat iron. Really? 

So... I waited and finally had a side of the mirror to myself. Gave it a try with a coworker there and then for the last part had the whole bathroom to myself. Since my hair is so long, it took more time to make sure the pieces weren't tangled before braiding the next set. I had no idea what it looked like, but it felt alright and it looked ok from the front. I asked a girl coworker I trusted "how does it look" and showed her the back. She said it looked great and she liked my hair down with the layers, without anything, but I told her it was just too warm to keep it all down.

Anyway I walked around all afternoon/evening with this hairstyle, having no idea what it looked like in the back, until just a few minutes ago. I am very happy with how it looks this may become a regular hairstyle, if I can keep doing it. 

So new thing of the day, double braiding my hair at work, without a brush, and having it come out a success. Could have turned out neater, but I still think it looked cute. Woooo-hooooo!

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