Tuesday, October 19, 2010


New thing of the day, driving in hail.

It was raining, not pouring, and I was driving. All of a sudden I saw a lump fall to the ground in front of me and was like "well that's odd". Next came a loud BOOM BOOM BOOM on my car and small white rocks hitting my car. I was like "It's HAILING!?"

I was talking softly to my car like "it's ok, we'll be ok". If anything it was loud and I was more shocked and amazed than anything. It wasn't really that cold in the first place, and it wasn't even raining that hard. The day was odd anyway.We had the power go out because something electrical blew out at a nearby station so like 4 cities in the area had power interrupted. Then there was thunder and lightning during the day and evening - unusual during rain and storms.

I had never driven in hail. Luckily it didn't last very long, just a quick short burst in our area. I was more worried for my car. Nothing damaged on the car. I was just glad we weren't standing outside when it happened. I've never been hit by hail before and am not really interested in that experience.

Also a new first-ish. Joined 24 Hour Fitness for the first time, and had my first workout there. Scoped the place out and thought about it for awhile, then signed up at the local gym. Been thinking about it awhile and finally decided to bite the bullet, but go with a monthly local plan because I want to make sure I'll use it before I buy in for a long-term contract. Anyway it's been a stressful week at work and we are refugees in another computer room because of some water damage in our office. Because of this I sit really very close to my coworkers which, is a little closer than I'm comfortable with. Plus the whole no cube, no personal space thing is wearing on me. Plus the husband's car wouldn't start so we were carpooling despite his now irregular schedule. It's just been raining and messy lately. So anyway, I was glad to get out and sweat off some stress and anxiety.

My oh my did it feel marvelous - MARVELOUS! Note to self - read this when you don't feel like working out anymore. It was so invigorating and relaxing at the same time. I took out all my anxious energy. I'm so out of shape that even just that walk on the treadmill really helped. Went to bed a good tired and slept awesome. So very very happy I signed up. I'll probably go workout again tonight and the rest of the week. It's definitely a better stress relief alternative than the chocolate, wine and other foods I've been resorting to.

Anyway, it was a stressful and tiring day, but ended with a fantastic workout. When it rains, it hails, sometimes.

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