Wednesday, December 8, 2010

100th post - Review

The money shot! This will be the 100th day since I started this project!

It's been interesting. In the beginning I was all motivated to write. As time goes on, I find it to be more of a chore and annoyance. I don't always want to write. I suppose that's the point - the journey of it. Some days I don't have time to write so I wait until a few days later to post about the event or the thing, so memory must remain. I also find I don't write better, just more. Maybe I'm getting better at just spitting it out?

Some days though, I'm completely inspired and jazzed to write about something. It fuels me, and I love writing those pieces. I wonder if anyone reads this stuff besides a few friends and family. I wonder if I should market myself and make money off this blog, and try to become a semi-full time writer on this. I wonder if I should keep it private or tell everyone. I wonder if I should say my name on this.

Anyway lots of things to think about. It's not the little things to write about that bother me. It's actually writing about it that's a bit of an annoying exercise. I find most days I can easily find one new thing I've done or tried. In fact, it's usually more than one. Some days, at the end of the day, there's nothing so I come up with someone at the last minute. No planning, no backup, just - ok here we go.

Living on the spur of the moment. Finding that not liking things is just as revealing as liking things.

Just some thoughts on the process. I've often thought about giving up and quitting this thing, especially with finals and the holidays coming up. Although, thinking now, maybe I should try a little longer and see if/where I develop.

So far, the journey, has its hills and rough spots, but overall, am very proud of my progress this far. Plus this is another new thing. I've never - posted 100 blogs in a row. Boo-ya baby!


  1. I love this blog! The best thing about it, for me, is that you log everyday attainable adventures/ reviews. This is unlike the dress a day blog that makes me want to shop b/c I don't know how to be all crazy creative and sew like that chick. You have created a refreshing look at the seemingly ordinary in blog form and just an enjoyable read! Congrats on the 100th post!

  2. Awwww! Thanks!!!!! :) !!!!!!! !!!!!!!! :)


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