Today was incredibly productive. Did errands and stuff. Went through a bunch of old stuff in the garage, reorganized and had tons to bring to Goodwill.
I spent the morning sorting stuff into piles of keep, trash or goodwill donations. The toughest and most emotional for me, was sorting through stuffed animals. Over the years I've whittled down my stuffed animal collection to a few care bears and assortment of animals. They were my thing, my plush cuddly friends and the substitute for pets I couldn't keep. They traveled with me and I could tell you how long I've had them.
Anyway I had no practical good reason to keep them. They take up room in the garage, there's really no descent place for them in the house, and I can't logically justify having or keeping them all. I was in a clean-out mood, so I cuddled one last time with them, took photos of remembrance of them, and put most of them in the donate pile.
As we unloaded the stuff at Goodwill, I was happy to get rid of stuff until they took the box with my stuffed animals. I looked longingly as the guys took that one box away and said bye in my head. Then sitting in the car I was sad. Husband asked me what was up. It was silly but I put my oldest stuffed animal in that box and wasn't sure if that was the right decision. He said, it's ok if I keep stuff, that I don't need to get rid of everything.
So for the first time ever, I went back in and said I forgot to take something out, and I saved my oldest friend. A little stuffed animal cat with pink ears that almost looks like a bear. I've probably had it since I was a baby, or maybe 2, but I've remembered having it forever. I think I already gave away my favorite stuffed animal dog years ago because it was just taking up space and not being cuddled or used. I still regret giving that one away.
I'm really glad I didn't say goodbye to this stuffed animal. It's a silly, old, dirty, ugly and worn thing, but it's ever so precious. To someone else it would be a used and not so cute stuffed animal. To me, it's so much more precious. Isn't it weird how that works.
Be careful what you throw away. 95% of the time you can do without it. I think that sentimental stuff is the toughest to sort through. I have to learn to know, how to spot that 5% worth keeping, and not letting it go on a whim.
Very glad I kept what I did and I went back for it. These pics are part of that 5% worth keeping. One day sleepy time Care Bear may not make the cut, but my white pink cat & the white tiger, they are keepers for sure.