Sunday, March 18, 2012

No Photo

I had a serious case of the blues this week. Just overall depressed about my job and how much it's stressing me out. I realize that I'm not handling my stress very well. Overall my life is actually pretty good. We just had a lovely day getaway at Ventura and spent a beautiful morning driving up PCH to Santa Barbara. It was just gorgeous, yet I am dreading Monday (who isn't?) but it feels like, I can't handle it anymore. I've seriously thought about asking for a demotion, but as husband says, I'm probably just getting used to the new job and yes it's true, I've left on time or early a lot last week, so it seems like it's getting better.

So, what to do? Husband says to treat myself to something fun/nice over Monday so it's not so harsh. Also I get to use my new handbag. Yes I think I have an unhealthy obsession with handbags that can get rather expensive. Also, I may treat myself to lunch at Yamato's and something else fun for dinner perhaps.

Other needs - need to focus on my health and exercise. Got to get into some kind of creative classes. Also, just need to not give up. Honestly, I feel sometimes I just hate everything and want to start all over. It could just be hormonal, but sometimes it just feels like a long dark tunnel, without any light. It's a little rough, and I wonder if there's something chemical going on. Need to detox.

Anyway no photo today. Just me typing on a keyboard. A nice change considering most of the time i'm on a phone when I post. Lots of cute photos to come from our trip this weekend. Also, just... have to find a way to keep going.

I think I may need my girlfriends. It's been a very busy but incredibly fruitful year. Just hoping to keep sane and well, I really need a lift in my spirits. Should probably go to church more often too.

I'm thinking the time change probably messed up my time clock too and all last week was a bit of a struggle.

Crossing fingers and praying I am not miserable this week. Let it be a wonderful glorious and positive week. Amen.

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