Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ender's Game (2013) Movie

New thing today, watched the Ender's Game movie. Let me start off by saying I LOVE THE BOOK. Let me repeat, I LOVE THE BOOK. So any comparison to a movie would be critical and in many ways I know I would be disappointed.

That being said, this does a very good job of portraying the major themes and soul of the book. They did a really nice job focusing on the character development when it could have so easily gone towards a pure sci-fi graphics and action only movie. Amazingly enough, the actors did an excellent job. I was highly impressed with Asa Butterfield, despite his weird name and unknown quality (to me anyway), he really did an excellent acting job and stood his ground next to Ben Kingsly and Harrison Ford. All actors gave very good performances and as a fan of the book, I just wanted to see more, but the editors did a good job of keeping the essential and cutting out the peripheral from the story.

The only critique on the movie side I would have to say, is that the end was odd. There was a highly dramatic action battle scene ending, a highly dramatic character argument ending, and then this weird alien redemption continuing journey tone to end the movie. I think the timing was a little odd, and perhaps a flashback or visual dream reflection sequence would have been more appropriate. Also giving more space between the horror of the final battle to the alien part would have been better. Just my opinion.

Overall the people who worked on this movie did an absolutely fantastic job! I will most likely be adding it to my Christmas list or buying it myself when it comes out. It was awe inspiring to see the battle school, battle room and all that come to life on-screen. As a fan of the book, I would have loved to see more, and to have more of the drama, character development, battle tactical development and all the visuals come to life on the screen, but I understand and appreciate the need for editing and cutting for a movie audience. I oooooooo'd and ahhhhhhhhh'd to myself at some of the visuals, and although we only watched it in regular movie type, I might be tempted to see this in IMAX or if they had it I would consider watching it in 3D.

I went with people who never read the book, and they said they enjoyed it and thought it was interesting. I highly highly highly recommend the book to anyone who liked the movie. It's like watching the Harry Potter movies or Hunger Games movies without ever reading the books. You miss so much!

Before the movie even came out, I had the Ender's Game series on my list to read. Now I think I will have to revive that and start them.

Another movie poster I love.

Thank you movie people for bringing this one to life :) It was a satisfying movie for a fan of the book.


  1. Don't miss it in any case!

  2. Even if u want too much


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