Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My First Quiche & Tart Pan Cooking

New thing today, made a quiche with a tart pan - both firsts, and both a disaster :) To explain, I got the recipe from Weight Watchers and had the refrigerated dough from pies for the season, so wanted to try my hand at quiche. It seemed like a totally do-able recipe and I love quiche. It was pretty good all set - photo below. 

Then, cooked for allotted time, and well, time to take out of the oven. When I was taking it out of the oven, the removable bottom popped out and the outside rim part fell off. Everything was fresh & hot, and it totally threw me off guard. Fabulous non-stick tart pan slipped and the quiche ended up face down on the floor. Photo below. 

Disaster. I was devastated. I pretty much spent about 1-2 hours of a complete waste of food and a mess of dishes making it and a mess of slop cleaning it all up. I think the dog enjoyed licking off the taste of it after we cleaned off everything, but ya, only the dog got to taste my quiche that night.

Oh the agony of spilt quiche. I didn't cry, but it felt pretty awful. Husband was a dear and helped me clean. At least we had other food to eat that night but I wasn't really hungry anymore. So frustrating, aggravating, demoralizing and upsetting.

I practiced my Zen, and let the incident go. I let all the frustration with myself, the pan and the failure go. It took a little while, but not long after I was ok. I'm going to cook smarter next time, and try it again, except maybe put it on a cookie tray/baking pan before I cook, and then take it out on the pan. Or I'll use two gloved hands when taking out the quiche. 

Overall I learned how not to make quiche. And I remembered, my first experiments with bread turned out awful, but I kept at it, and I ended up making some really really fantastic bread after some bad turns. You can't win them all, and you can't be arrogant enough to think that everything you do will be perfect and wonderful every time you try new things. Although I'm pretty arrogant and expect that things will be perfect and I will do wonderful things. Reminder, that you will spill quiche, but also Thank your blessings, that we had all this extra food, and it wasn't our only meal, and that I wasn't making anyone go hungry because I spilt and wasted this food. 

So many lessons. A first, not a last. You will see another post, and I will make another quiche, and maybe I'll do a "new thing today, made a successful quiche" post or something like that :) But yes, lets focus on the failure too. I hate that turn the frown upside down always sunny positive crap. Sometimes things are just miserable, wasted, unfortunate or bad and you have to honor that. Sometimes, things just flop. *Sigh. And then, you let it go, and move on.

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