Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Godfather novel by Mario Puzo

New thing today, finished The Godfather novel by Mario Puzo. A coworker had given me the book and said it was really good and couldn't put it down. I had it for months, hesitant and not in the mood to read it. I wasn't really interested in a crime mafia drama, and so it sat on the shelf waiting.

In the meantime I've been trying to read a ton of other books and just couldn't get into anything. This week I started the book half-heartedly not in the mood but trying it out since all other books couldn't keep my interest. This book was AWESOME! It was really nice to finally have a book that held my interest. It was an eager page-turner and I finished it in about a week. I even stayed up late a few nights just to keep reading! So nice to come across a book like this.

If you've watched the Godfather movies, this is pretty much it and this book is brilliant. I loved the movies, and I saw the movies playing in my head while reading the book. As a good book does, it elaborates on characters and fills in a ton of interesting details to the story. It paints a deeper and more intricate picture.

I highly recommend this book if you loved the movies. I wasn't in the mood, but this book really reeled me in. Lovely! I just wish I could find another book to read next.

Since this was so good I decided to lookup the next book in eager anticipation to keep reading. Unfortunately The Godfather Returns (an awful title) was written by a different author and published in 2004 after Mario Puzo died. The movies were released before the novel's sequel came out, so that's odd. So I'm overall a little hesitant to read the sequel, as it will most likely be a disappointment. I may borrow the sequel from the library? Eh.

Although this has peaked my interest in the Mafia stories and I will probably be watching The Godfather movies soon, and have added The Sopranos series to my Netfix queue (I have never seen an episode of The Sopranos before).

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