Saturday, September 11, 2010

Beer Wars

New thing today, watched a documentary called "Beer Wars". It's a really fun and interesting documentary on the craftsmanship and passion of small beer brewers, in comparison to the Big 3 brewers - Anheuser Busch, Miller and Coors. Husband and I are naturally attracted to things that are different. We like to like things not everyone else likes, so this totally appealed to us.

It's interesting to see how home brewers were aching for better tasting beer, and some of them grew to develop their own like Samuel AdamsMoonshot and DogFish Head. A lot of these brewers are putting their lives on the line for their beers. They risk their own credit, their homes and put themselves behind their brews.

The host and style of the documentary is very amusing and interesting. She takes non-scientific surveys, talks to people in bars and does a man on the street type interviews. In this way, you get some very candid and unusual responses.

It's interesting to see how much independent brewers fear the Big 3, to see how they will push them out of the market. It was interesting to see that you can't get a lot of smaller craftsman beers because of the way the distributor system and alcohol laws are set-up. You see a lot of the difficulties the smaller brewers have in the business. One even goes to the Big 3 in hopes of growing their business.

I really enjoyed the documentary and because of this will add these craftsmen beers to my list of new things to try daily. It's a slightly political statement against big bad industry and for the promotion of the individual, quality of brew, supporting an artist's passion and democracy.

I love this idea of trying new things daily and expanding my horizons for better things. Sometimes I get tired or lazy and want to just do the same old thing. Although through this short time of forcing myself to try new things regularly, I'm finding how much I cling to the familiar, and also how much the world has to offer of new and interesting things. I've had bad experiences trying new things, but the majority has been good. Lucky me, I suppose the risk is worth the reward.

I highly highly recommend this documentary. Beer is lovely. The beers I have enjoyed thus far have been Guinness, Miller Lite and Kirin. Guinness is my first love and the king of beers in my opinion. We bought a case of Miller Lite the other day and I feel a little dirty drinking it now, but we'll finish it off, keep our loyalty to flavor, but try other beers more openly as well. Drink up and watch this documentary!

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