Friday, September 10, 2010

Independent Lens: Between the Folds

I watched a documentary called "Independent Lents: Between the Folds" about origami, the art of folding paper. Unfortunately I don't think it was very good, but it had a lot of potential. On quite a few topics, there could have been a more in depth study or interview about that person, that item, that thing. Instead, it gives us the general idea and moves on to the next thing.

Oddly enough, the documentary only covers western folding or art, and does not really interview eastern or asian paper folders. It doesn't even really give a historic account of the art but briefly touches on one man who is the father of modern origami. 

There were some interesting topics, such as the science and math behind paper folding and the "choreographer" who learns to fold paper in a way that you can move it and make it dance. There were also amazing structures that were folded or planned, but we never got more in-depth detail about the projects. At only one time, did we see how much time a folding took. With all the origami in the film, so much of it was not delved into. Very few details and facts about the art. 

So many interesting topics that were glazed over. I was a honestly a bit bored by it all. I also did not like the narrator.

I've been folding origami paper cranes since I was a kid so I hoped this documentary would be at least informative on the history of origami or give a better account of the art. Instead, just a lot of philosophical artsy ideas and generalities about paper folding. It doesn't even make me want to learn more origami. It really is "Between the Folds". 

Might be worth seeing if you're on something, or if you're working out or doing something else in the background. But I wouldn't really recommend using up 1-2 hours of your day on this. Oh well? 

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