Saturday, November 9, 2013

Philip K. Dick - Prophets of Science Fiction

New thing today, watched another episode of Prophets of Science Fiction - Philip K. Dick. I didn't even know I loved Philip K. Dick until recently. I was a fan of all the movies that were based on his stories and I had no idea. I just thought me liking Total Recall (1990), Minority Report and Paycheck and all these other obscure, not so popular sci-fi movies, was just a me thing. Then somehow I discovered they were all based on his writing, so I got interested, really interested in reading his stuff.

I did manage to read a few short stories when I borrowed The Collected Stories of Philip K Dick from the library. I thought "The Little Movement" was a darker version of Toy Story and I could see this influencing some writer at Pixar or Disney. One of his short stories "Stability" was very haunting and I believe caused me to have a nightmare, which just proves how great he is at capturing our imagination. I haven't read everything, especially his more famous stories, but it's on my list. It might even be on my Christmas list?

Anyway this episode talks about Dick's alternate reality ideas, robots and tricks of the mind and memory. It was a little more surface level regarding his stories and the science that generated from it. Mainly I found the details of Dick's life very interesting. I love that he was a bit off, and that he used the I-Ching to write his stories, and just that he believed in insane stuff that you wonder if he was really seeing into another reality or world.

This has inspired me to add to my list of things to read, his writings and to watch his stories. So much to do, so little time! But so many new topics to blog about if I can get to his stuff :) I'll probably read his Wikipedia article soon :) Learning new things every day!

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