Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thor - The Dark World (2013)

New thing today, watched Thor - The Dark World. Pretty awesome :) I am becoming a fan of the Thor world and storyline, not only due to hunky and sensitive Thor character, and the fact I like Jane Foster, but I find Loki to be one of the most interesting Marvel characters in the movies these days.

Rene Russo had a pretty awesome scene in the movie. Not to give anything away, but she was pretty badass in one part. I also adore the character Heimdall played by Idris Elba, also the guy from Pacific Rim. Wow, so in writing this I realize that the character driven story really impresses me.

I like all the other world stuff too. I like the mythology, Asgard, magic, realms/worlds and such. I kind of appreciate the love story as well. A little bit of soldier romance, loving a man who has to go to battle and you can't be with him and all. It's a different kind of romance which is nice. Plus Jane Foster/Natalie Portman is a scientist which I dig :) I like all the science/magic stuff converging and seeing them as the same thing.

Overall it's just a fun Marvel superhero movie. Good times! Go watch this! Enjoy it on the big screen! We will be buying this one when it comes out on DVD.

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